I'm sure this is really easy to accomplish, but I just can't seem to figure
it out. I have the following:
$str = "
mary had a little lamb
it's fleece was white as snow
and everywhere that mary went
the lamb was sure to go";
Using ucfirst($str) will only capitalize the first letter of the string (duh
:P). So I tried ucwords($str) and it obviously capitalized EVERY word. Also
not desired. I couldn't find a php function to capitalize each new line, so
I was thinking that regex would probably be needed and I am just no good at
that @_@. I was reading up about it a bit, but it's still really confusing
me. I was thinking something like splitting each new line into a separate
string, capitalizing the first letter with ucfirst(), and then merging the
string back together might work, but I am not sure how to find a new line.
Any help would be appreciated Thank you in advance :).
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