Hello and thank you, Another question, I get a message: *Warning*: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in * /home/content/t/h/e/theyuv/html/MessageBoard.php* on line *52* ** And I've tried troubleshooting for a while; I'm pretty sure I'm opening the file handle correctly and everything but I can't get feof or similar functions like fgets to work. Here is my code if you're interested (it's so that I color every 2nd line in the text): *$boardFile = "MessageBoard.txt"; $boardFileHandle = fopen($boardFile,"r"); for ($counter = 1; !feof($boardFileHandle); $counter += 1) { $colorLine = fgets(boardFilehandle); if ($counter % 2 == 0) { echo "<font color='00ff00'>$colorline</font>"; } else { echo $colorline; } } fclose($boardFileHandle);* Thank you