On Feb 13, 2008, at 426AM, pretty wrote
hi any one help me out, im using cronofirm, i need to field form
details will
converted into pdf as well as it will go maill attachment doing this
joomla, atleast i need this only php with out joomla.
For sending email:
The standard mail function
I've found that for sending anything more than the simplest email,
it's usually easier to use something like PHPMailer (http://phpmailer.sf.net
For creating PDF files, here are a few options:
Saving the pdf and sending it as an email shouldn't be difficult:
Step 1 - Generate the PDF
Step 2 - Save it somewhere on the server
Step 3 - Email the PDF as an attachment.
I don't fully understand your question, so hopefully this is somewhat
helpful. If you have specific questions about parts of the process we
will be able to help you better. Best is if you start writing the code
and ask questions when you get stuck so we can see what's going on and
offer ideas.
Best of luck,
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