Thanks for this, it seems to work generally ok, but with one problem.
If i get prompted to download the fie, there is no filesize
(content-length is missing), so i wouldn't be able to resume the file if
it was big!
I tried adding another function that gets the headers from the file first,
(to find the content-length), but instead I get an error message stating
'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent...', so I'm
thinking that i am now in a catch-22 situation. I need to get the headers
to find the content-length, and then send it to the browser to prompt the
download of the file with the correct filesize.
Also i noticed u used http 1.1, which i simply changed to 1.0 - hope this
is enough to avoid chunked decoding. I also changed the method to POST as
i need it.
so either is it a paradox, or am i just misunderstanding where the headers
should be placed?
thanks :)
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 07:16:31 -0000, <venkatk@xxxxxx> wrote:
Try this, it should work.
//Get the file from the remote location
function getFile($host, $resource, $port)
??? $hdr = '';
??? $file_cont = '';
??? $fh = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 300);
??? if(! $fh)
??? {
??? ??? return "error";
??? } else {
??? ??? $hdr .= "GET /$resource HTTP/1.1 \r\n";
??? ??? $hdr .= "Host: $host\r\n";
??? ??? $hdr .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
??? ??? fwrite($fh, $hdr);
??? ??? while(!feof($fh))
??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? $file_cont .= fgets($fh, 128);
??? ??? }
??? ??? //Return the file as a string
??? ??? return $file_cont;
??? }
//Set up essential headers
header("Content-Type: Application/GIF");
header("Content-Disposition: application/gif; filename=one.gif");
//Strip the text headers in the file and print it out.
print preg_replace("/^.*\r\n/m", "", getFile("",
"images/logo.gif", 80));
Anyway, the core of the script is download the file as a string, print
it out as a string with suitable headers.
-----Original Message-----
From: szalinski <barneytramble@xxxxxxxxx>
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 8:58 am
Subject: How to download a file (with browser) using fsockopen() ?
I have been working on this download script for quite a while, and I
just can't find how to download a remote file via a user's browser using
Basically I am wondering if anyone can just give me a simple working
example on how to use fsockopen() to fetch a file on a remote server,
and then pop up a save dialog box in my browser. For example, let's say
I want to download this file from here:?
Instead of putting this directly into my browser and then being prompted
to save it to my pc, how can i use fsockopen() to fetch the file, and
get the same prompt on my browser? E.g. I want to be able to do?
I know that this does not seem the most obvious and easy way to do it,
but i simply cannot get a file to download myself using fsockopen. I
specifically want this function, as I need to POST headers to the server
and I haven't as yet been able to download a file using it, without it
being corrupt, or the connection hanging. I just can't figure it out,
and I'm getting a bit tired with it!?
I don't need a whole hand-made script, I just need the part where
fsockopen will download this file. Perhaps a working function that would
do it. Please try not to use classes or objects because I haven't quite
figured out object-oriented programming yet!!?
Also, I would like if you can do it via HTTP 1.0 because I know HTTP 1.1
is tricky, and might require a chunk decoder, and i don't see the need
for it, unless someone is able to provide a working chunked data
Thanks to anyone who can help. :)?
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