On 25/01/2008, Jim Lucas <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> That should be considered part of the DRY method. But spanning page> requests.>> I cannot see any reason why you shouldn't be doing this before you> insert this information into your DB. Doing it once on your insert,> instead of every single page request would seen to me a much better use> of resources.>> If you are needing to have the tags in the DB, what I would do is have> add second column in your DB. One that contains the clean version and> one that contains the marked up version. Then you are not doing so much> work on each page load, and you are able to retain the marked up version> for editing ( i assume ) I will do as you suggest here, as disk space is cheaper than processortime. Thanks. Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.comhttp://gibberish.co.ilא-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת; A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?