hello i have one great problem using php for sinding email across one email
server (in the same machine) that is one Linux suse with postfix. it doesn't
is sent, alwats appears one error into the mail log (bellow).
Can you help me please? I am trying to solve this problem during several
i am trying to send email s using this:
$para = 'miname@xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$asunto = 'el asunto';
$mensaje = 'hola carabola';
$cabeceras = 'From: miname <miname@xxxxxxxxxxxx>' . "\n" .
'Reply-To: miname@xxxxxxxxxxxx' . "\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion()."\n";
mail($para, $asunto, $mensaje, $cabeceras, '-fminame@xxxxxxxxxxxx');
or using this:
/* recipients */
$to = "info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; //$nombre . " <" . $email. ">";
/* subject */
$subject = "Email desde la pagina web";
/* message */
$message = "
<p>Has recibido este correo desde el formulario de la pagina web.</p>
Nombre: $nombre <br>
Email: $email <br>
Asunto del mensaje: $asunto
/* To send HTML mail, you can set the Content-type header. */
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
/* additional headers */
$headers .= "From: " . $nombre . " <" . $email. ">";
/* and now mail it */
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
but it doesn't sent.
Always appears this error:
Jan 5 13:52:02 server postfix/pickup[16768]: 20EB589B68: uid=30
Jan 5 13:52:02 server postfix/cleanup[17322]: 20EB589B68:
Jan 5 13:52:02 server postfix/qmgr[7450]: 20EB589B68:
from=<miname@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, size=394, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 5 13:52:02 server postfix/qmgr[7450]: 20EB589B68:
to=<miname@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, orig_to=<miname@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, relay=none,
delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: transport is
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