On Jan 1, 2008 2:17 PM, jekillen <jekillen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello again; > I have two variables declared in the global scope of a script. > $string_a = 'stuff $string_b and more stuff'; > $string_b = ''; > One is a string with a reference for substitution to the other > string which is empty. > In the processing body of the script are if/if else blocks. > In these blocks I want to use $string_a and > set $string_b to a value > if( condition) > { $string_b = 'by the way;';... etc > so $string_a should read: > "stuff and by the way; and more stuff" > But this substitution will not take place > in the context of the else if block. I do not > want to write $string_a in at least 5 different > if else blocks because it is about 10 lines > intended to be an e-mail message body -> !SPAM. Several ways to do this (and avoid globals or a str_replace call): #1: if (condition) { $string_b = 'blah'; } else if (condition2) { $string_b = 'foo'; } else if (condition3) { $string_b = 'bar'; } else { $string_b = 'other'; } $string_a = "stuff $string_b and more stuff"; The reason for this is the variable substition occurs *at the time of assignment* - not later. Another way, if it's not easy to have your string_b setting conditionals all in a row like that (or if this needs to be done elsewhere in code, as well), would be: function assignStrA($subStr) { $retVal = "stuff $subStr and more stuff"; return $retVal; } if (cond1) { $string_a = assignStrA('foo'); } else if (cond2) { $string_a = assignStrA('bar'); } else { $string_a = assignStrA('other'); } HTH- James Ausmus Integration Software Engineer HTRI "Cross Technology Integration Specialists" 503-538-8085 > > this script is used to process data sent from a > link in another e-mail message used to validate > and e-mail address. > > Q: Is there a way to get the substitution to take > place here? (by reference, maybe?) > > Thank you in advance for info > Jeff K > > -- > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php > > -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php