I'm learning regular expressions, and trying to figure out what's
possible and what's not. Any ideas of how to create a preg_match
expression to parse following three lines:
Calgary, AB T2A6C1
Toronto, ON T4M 0B0
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
...such that it splits each line into City, Province and Postalcode
(irrespective of occasional white space), e.g.:
[city] => "Calgary",
[prov] => "AB",
[postal] => "T2A 6C1"
[city] => "Toronto",
[prov] => "ON",
[postal]=> "T4M 0B0"
[city] => "Saint John",
[prov] => "NB",
[postal]=> "E2L 4L1"
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