example code // current code //--- Set DB $GLOBALS['db'] = NewADOConnection($GLOBALS['c']['db']['type'].'://'. $GLOBALS['c']['db']['user'].':'.$GLOBALS['c']['db']['pass'].'@'.$GLOBALS['c'] ['db']['host'].'/'.$GLOBALS['c']['db']['name']); $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; // Fastest Get Method function getGalaxy() { $sqlGGal = " SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['c']['db']['pref']."universe WHERE planet_type = 'planet' AND planet_galaxy = '1' AND planet_owner_id = 'null' ORDER BY planet_id ASC"; $GLOBALS['ADODB_FETCH_MODE'] = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; $resGGAL = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($sqlGGal); return $resGal; } Other Suggestions function getGalaxy() { $dbPrefix = $GLOBALS['c']['db']['pref']; $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $sqlGGal = " SELECT * FROM ".$dbPrefix."universe WHERE planet_type = 'planet' AND planet_galaxy = '1' AND planet_owner_id = 'null' ORDER BY planet_id ASC"; $GLOBALS['ADODB_FETCH_MODE'] = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; $resGGAL = $db->Execute($sqlGGal); return $resGal; } or function getGalaxy() { $dbConfig = Zend_Registry::get('dbConfig'); $dbPrefix = $dbConfig['prefix']; $db = NewADOConnection($dbConfig['type'].'://'. $dbConfig['user'].':'. $dbConfig['pass'].'@'.$dbConfig['host'].'/'.$dbConfig['name']); $sqlGGal = " SELECT * FROM ".$dbPrefix."universe WHERE planet_type = 'planet' AND planet_galaxy = '1' AND planet_owner_id = 'null' ORDER BY planet_id ASC"; $GLOBALS['ADODB_FETCH_MODE'] = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; $resGGAL = $db->Execute($sqlGGal); $db->Close(); return $resGal; } Etc etc. >From my point of view first one was more usable. Anyhow dont worry. It seems PHP 5.3.0 supporting _NAMESPACE_ :) Regards Sancar -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php