Re: shared memory access - shmod_open

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Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Thu, December 6, 2007 2:44 am, Rolf_ wrote:
>> I have a problem working with shmop_open() in a Solaris environment.
>> The
>> following cli-script works fine, except shmod_open returns a warning
>> 'unable
>> to attach or create shared memory segment':
>> <?php
>> $sem = "/tmp/" . rand() . ".sem";
>> touch ($sem);
>> echo "sem $sem \n";
>> $sem_key = ftok($sem, 'w');
>> echo "sem_key $sem_key \n";
>> if ($sem_key == -1) { die ("ftok error"); }
>> $shm_id = shmop_open($sem_key, "w", 0644, 1);
>> echo "shm_id $shm_id\n";
>> ?>
>> I checked the $sem_key with the Solaris ipcs command. The file exists
>> and
>> the read/write rights are correct. I tried explictly to call
>> shmop_open with
>> the right key - the error message remains the same.
>> Checking out different access mode like "r" does not succeed too. In
>> the
>> Xdebug output, php changes the value 0644 to 420, i.e.
>> shmop_open(1258300033, 'w', 420, 1). Of course, I compiled php with
>> --enable-shmop.
>> Does anyone has an idea what I might also check?
> Perhaps the 0644 needs to be expressed in some other way?
> I know it works fine that way for chmod and friends, so I wouldn't
> expect it, but...
> Or maybe 420 *IS* the right value, and you're on a red herring.
> Try Googling for the error message and Solaris if you haven't done
> that yet.

The problem is that 0644 == 420, because 0644 is parsed as "644 base 8" (the
zero prefix forces the number to octal...)
So 420 (decimal) is actually the correct value. RTFM for chmod, which gives you
a big hint about this...

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