I have some code which I'll paste at the end of the e-mail that is
throwing an error and I can't seem to find where the error is... Here
is the error: "[Wed Nov 28 15:03:19 2007] [error] PHP Parse error:
syntax error, unexpected '{' in /Volumes/RAIDer/webserver/Documents/
OLDB/customer/test/detectuser.php on line 27"
Now... I realize that it's not expecting a '{' on line 27... But I
checked the brackets, and from what I can tell, they all look
balanced...Any help is appreciated!
//see if detectuser.php has been required, not URL’d.
if ($legal_require_php!=1234) exit;
// setup global variable $global_user_id, set it to 0, which means
no user as auto_increment IDs in MySQL begin with 1
$global_user_id= 0;
// now, check if user’s computer has the cookie set
if (isset($_COOKIE['cookiename'])) {
$cookieval= $_COOKIE['cookiename'];
//now parse the ID:LOGCODE value in cooke via explode() function
$cookieparsed= explode (":", $cookieval);
// $cookie_uid will hold user’s id
// $cookie_code will hold user’s last reported logcode
$cookie_uid= $cookieparsed[0];
$cookie_code= $cookieparsed[1];
// ensure that ID from cookie is a numeric value
if (is_numeric($cookie_uid)) {
//now, find the user via his ID
$res= mysql_query("SELECT logcode FROM MainLogin WHERE id=$cookie_uid");
// no die() this time, we will redirect if error occurs
if ($res) {
// now see if user’s id exists in database
if (mysql_num_rows($res,0) {
$logcode_in_base= mysql_result($res, 0);
// now compare LOGCODES in cookie against the one in database
if ($logcode_in_base == $cookie_code) {
// if valid, generate new logcode and update database
$newcode= md5(func_generate_string());
$res= mysql_query("UPDATE MainLogin SET logcode='$newcode' WHERE
// setup new cookie (replace the old one)
$newval= "$cookie_uid:$newcode";
setcookie("cookiename", $newval, time() + 300, "/oldb/",
// finally, setup global var to reflect user’s id
$global_user_id= $cookie_uid;
} else {
// redirect if logcodes are not equal
echo "Logcodes are not equal";
} else {
// redirect if user ID does not exist in database
echo "User not in database";
} else {
// redirect in case of database error
echo "database error";
} else {
// redirect if user ID in cookie not numeric
echo "Cookie not numeric";
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424
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