Michael McGlothlin wrote:
I use a custom file system that caches large amounts of data in RAM.
That way it's really fast and as easy to use as normal file system calls.
It's called a relational database ;)
Databases like MySQL do not handle BLOB's with any sensible control hence the
againsts quoted. A decent database working in cooperation with the operating
system should be as fast at returning a block of raw data as searching the
file system to find the same block and hand that data to the following process
Firebird has always handled BLOB's reasonably well, and with the incremental
backup facilities now available, ALL of the data can be safely managed and
replicated to secondary machines. Managing 100s of thousands of images in a
directory structure may not be the best way of managing a large volume of
data, requiring searching through a tree of directories to get to a file,
while storing the same in a flat file system WITHIN a database SHOULD be a
more efficient alternative.
Should I put pictures into a database? - depends on both the data base and the
file system/OS :)
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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