On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 04:55 -0300, Andrés Robinet wrote: > I can only speak for my experience in PHP+SOAP in a recent project, but not > on SAP. You'll surely get more information here as the experts will start > speaking... If this is of any help to you, then PERFECT! If not, well, hope > not to bother you with well-known stuff at least. > > The project I'm involved with uses web services to fetch vehicle data from > Chrome (http://www.chrome.com). We are using NuSoap, because we found no > other options for PHP 4 (PHP 5 has a native Soap Extension, but I can only > tell you that I've READ NuSoap has more features, I didn't even test it). > > You can download NuSoap here (pick the last version, the previous ones had a > name clash problem with PHP 5). > http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57663 > > As for how to use it... well... RTFM. I don't have a clue of how the SAP > part works (I know "very generally" what SAP is... I never faced a PHP > integration with it). But I can give you some sample code for the PHP part, > obviously, the last word is that of SAP's technical specifications. > > /* First Create a WSDL Object and save it in the cache */ > $wsdlURL = "https://where/is/my/service?WSDL"; > $cacheDir = "/path/to/writable/dir"; > $timeToLive = 86400; // Only one day, but wsdl's don't change that often, > you can increase it much more > $wsdlCache = new wsdlcache($cacheDir, $timeToLive); > $wsdl = $wsdlCache->get($wsdlURL); > if ($wsdl == null): > $wsdl = new wsdl($wsdlURL); > $wsdlCache->put($this->wsdl); > endif; > // After this line you have a wsdl object that was either created or > retrieved from the cache > > /* Get the client and the proxy */ > $client = new nusoap_client($wsdl, true); > $proxy = $client->getProxy(); > > /* Now call SAP web service functions as documented in the tech spec */ > $param1 = 'my param 1'; > $param2 = array('whatever', 'is', 2, 'be'); > // Call one of SAP functions > $result = $proxy->myFunctionAsReadFromSAPTechSpec($param1, $param2); > > /* Now check for error codes in the result, store them in a db, whatever you > need */ > If ($result['WhoKnows'] == 'Checking is your job'): > echo "Good Job!"; > else: > echo "RTFM AGAIN!!!"; > endif; Thanks for the information Andrés though to be honest I'm looking more for information about the actual SAP Business One integration since I have done SOAP in the past without problem. Specifically I guess I'm looking for the following from the group: - have you integrated SAP BO with PHP via DI server - any gotchas with respect to configuration and connecting to DI server? There are a few tidbits on the net, some dating to early 2005. But none that I read had very definitive information about PHP. Cheers, Rob. -- ........................................................... SwarmBuy.com - http://www.swarmbuy.com Leveraging the buying power of the masses! ........................................................... -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php