Yeah...see...I'm confused apparently!
My while loop is getting all of the names correctly, apparently my
is...once i get them, how do I echo each one out seperately?
Based off of the print_r($cs_row) I can see all of the names. What
should I
be doing differently to output each name into my table?
What you're doing wrong:
Assume mssql_fetch_array($cs_type) has two rows:
request_type = 'type1', first_name = 'Bob', last_name = 'Consumer'
request_type = 'type2', first_name = 'Alice', last_name = 'Cooper'
So we can replace it with a variable $array that has the same data.
$array = array(
'request_type' => 'type1',
'first_name' => 'Bob',
'last_name' => 'Consumer'
'request_type' => 'type2',
'first_name' => 'Alice',
'last_name' => 'Cooper'
Then this:
while ($cs_row = iterator($array)) {
$cs_type2 = $cs_row['request_type'];
$cs_name = $cs_row['first_name']." ".$cs_row['last_name'];
print_r ($cs_row);
Is functionally the same as:
$cs_type2 = $array[0]['request_type'];
$cs_name = $array[0]['first_name']." ".$array[0]['last_name'];
print_r ($array[0]);
$cs_type2 = $array[1]['request_type'];
$cs_name = $array[1]['first_name']." ".$array[1]['last_name'];
print_r ($array[1]);
Now. Why would the print_r return the right information?
Because, you're printing it for EACH row.
Why would the variable $cs_type2 have only the information of the
last row?
Because, you're OVERwriting it on EACH row.
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