On Nov 14, 2007, at 3:39 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:
On Nov 14, 2007 3:19 PM, Jon Westcot <jon@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Folks,
Newbie question :
- how do I get and display the current date?
- how do I get and display the current time?
I see the getdate function - but I'm not sure if this is the right
or how to display it....
Give this a shot:
$Date = date("y/m/d h:m:i");
echo $Date;
You can format it how ever you want. Lots of different options.
out: HTTP://www.php.net/date for lots more info.
Um, not to pick nits, and being a newbie myself I'm really
risking a lot
here by potentially exposing my ignorance, but was the purpose of
the code
above to get the user to read the manual section? It sure worked
for me
when I saw the output of the date command and couldn't believe that
process I was running completed in just six seconds. It all boiled
down to
changing (dare I say correcting?) "h:m:i" to "h:i:s" -- the "m" in
related to the month in the date, not minutes in the time.
And thanks to everyone for being so willing to help and generous
their time. I really appreciate it!
Ha! No, it was just a typo on Jason's part.
Funny stuff though....
Now... Just exactly what makes you think it was a typo oh Master
Brown? I could have intentionally put that in there just as Jon
suggested to get the OP to read the web page since it wouldn't output
what they expected. I have been known to be crafty like that in the
past :)
In this particular case it was a simple matter of a quick typing in an
e-mail program and a faulty memory I would claim a "Senior Moment" but
I dare say that most everyone on this list is older then me. Being
born in raised in the decade of the "Hair Bands" and all :)
(Is it time to go home yet?)
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424
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