Use myFile= file() which puts all your lines in a nice simple array. The use foreach()on the array to exact your sub-strings. Personally, I'd assemble the results in a big string. Then, echo the string. $fields= NULL; foreach(myFile as $line){ $fields .= "substr($line, 0, 5)" . " nbsp;" . "substr($line, 7, 46)" . "<br />\n\n"; } echo $fields; Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
I got a larger file which consists of lines with a defined length of 56 characters. Each line ends with a line feed (0A), From each line I want one field from position 1 ~ 5 and field 2 from position 7 ~ 46. I tried: $myFile = "plaiso"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $theDataLine = explode("\n",fgets($fh)); echo "Field1 Field2<p>"; // headline for($i=0;$i<count($theDataLine);$i++){ $Field1 = substr($theDataLine[$i], 0, 5); $Field2 = substr($theDataLine[$i], 7, 46); echo "$Field1 $Field2"; } It prints only the headline and the first record. What do I miss? bye Ronald
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