In news: B2.0A.29790.E19C1374@xxxxxxxxxxxx - "Brad" wrote : > Sure thing, > > The site is > > You can see that I have a bunch of text underneath the flash > animation in the middle. > I am trying to fill the dead space to the right of it. > > In the code, I can see where to widen the table. > One would think that php would fill the dead space if the is nothing > blocking it. > But it is not. > > Here is the snippet I think is controlling it. > Just seeking an answer or got reading material to understand it. > > <div class="padded"> > > <div class="columnWide"> > <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, > array('secheader' => $this->language['welcome'], 'class' => 'brown'), > true); ?> > > <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" > codebase=" > b#version=7,0,19,0" > declare="declare" name="gay personals, lesbian dating" > width="325" height="310" title="flash"> > <param name="movie" > value="slideshow_as1.swf" /> > <param name="quality" value="high" /> > <embed src="gfx/slideshow_as1.swf" > quality="high" > pluginspage=""; > type="application/x-shockwave-flash" > width="325" height="310"></embed> </object> <br> > Not a member yet? Please <a href="index.php?page=join">click here</a> > to join > for FREE or push the button "Join now" below to apply and start > networking with more then > 35,000 members of!<br> > <br> > > -----Original Message----- > From: Per Jessen [mailto:per@xxxxxxxxxxxx] > Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 8:20 AM > To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: Re: re-post (unanswered) Tables, flash and text > > Brad wrote: > >> I just picked up an account to fix a website and the code is making >> no sense. > > Brad, it's been barely six hours since you first posted that question. > > 1) be patient. > 2) it's a lot of code to ask someone else to look at for you. I would > start by narrowing down the problem/code a bit, then perhaps ask the > question again. > > > /Per Jessen, Zürich <div class="brown-body"> <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19,0"; declare="declare" name="gay personals, lesbian dating" width="325" height="310" title="flash"> <param name="movie" value="slideshow_as1.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="gfx/slideshow_as1.swf" quality="high" pluginspage=""; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="310"> </embed> </object> </p> <div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; width:358px; height:307px; z-index:2; left: 337px; top: 15px;">Not a member yet? Please <a href="index.php?page=join">click here</a> to join for FREE or push the button "Join now" below to apply and start networking with more then 35,000 members of! 100% FREE <br> 1000's of attractive distinguished & successful gay millionaires <br> Comprehensive & tasteful photos / profiles <br> Quality Gay Members of all ages <br> Date like minded people that want more from life <br> International gay audience <br> Prestige executive & affluent gay members <br> Aquire the lifestyle you want & deserve <br> No outragious service fees </div> </div> -- Cheap As Chips Broadband Superb hosting & domain name deals -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: