I just picked up an account to fix a website and the code is making no sense. The site is HYPERLINK "http://www.gaymillionaire.net/"http://www.gaymillionaire.net I am trying to get the text below the flash video next to the video instead below it. I widened the table and still nothing. This website is one of those modular pre-purchased sites so I am not sure how deep I made need to go inside of the code. Fortunately it is mainly written in php. Maybe some kind person can point me to some good reading material to understand what is goin on. Here is the relevant code! Thank you kindly for any assistance <div class="padded"> <div class="columnWide"> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['welcome'], 'class' => 'brown'), true); ?> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.ca b#version=7,0,19,0" declare="declare" name="gay personals, lesbian dating" width="325" height="310" title="flash"> <param name="movie" value="slideshow_as1.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="gfx/slideshow_as1.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="310"></embed> </object> <br> Not a member yet? Please <a href="index.php?page=join">click here</a> to join for FREE or push the button "Join now" below to apply and start networking with more then 35,000 members of GayMillionaire.net!<br> <br> 100% FREE <br> 1000's of attractive distinguished & successful gay millionaires <br> Comprehensive & tasteful photos / profiles <br> Quality Gay Members of all ages <br> Date like minded people that want more from life <br> International gay audience <br> Prestige executive & affluent gay members <br> Aquire the lifestyle you want & deserve <br> No outragious service fees <br> <td> <div style="text-align:center;padding:10px;"><input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo $this->language['join']; ?>" onClick="window.location='index.php?page=join'"></div> Gay & lesbian Millionaire dating in the United States The acceptance of Gay and Lesbian is brighter and more global then it ever has been. There are certain areas where it just blossoms. Gay dating and lesbian dating is at its all time high. Here at gaymillionaire.net we help the community with the largest collectionof lesbian and gay personals on the net. </td> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("divider.tpl", false, array('type' => 'h'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['recent_members'], 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("lists/simple.tpl", false, array('wrap' => 1, 'from' => $this->recent_members, 'box' => "boxes/member.tpl"), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("divider.tpl", false, array('type' => 'h'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['recent_blogs'], 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("lists/list_enhanced.tpl", false, array('from' => $this->recent_blogs, 'columns' => ($this->language['title_and_description'])."|".($this->language['posts'])."| ".($this->language['photo'])."|".($this->language['action']), 'widths' => "|40|70|100", 'indexes' => "title|posts|photo|action", 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("divider.tpl", false, array('type' => 'h'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['recent_classifieds'], 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("lists/list_enhanced.tpl", false, array('from' => $this->recent_classifieds, 'columns' => ($this->language['title_and_description'])."|".($this->language['photo'])."| ".($this->language['action']), 'widths' => "|70|100", 'indexes' => "title|photo|action", 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("divider.tpl", false, array('type' => 'h'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['recent_events'], 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("lists/list_enhanced.tpl", false, array('from' => $this->recent_events, 'columns' => ($this->language['title_and_description'])."|".($this->language['date_time'] )."|".($this->language['photo'])."|".($this->language['action']), 'widths' => "|100|70|100", 'indexes' => "title|date|photo|action", 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("divider.tpl", false, array('type' => 'h'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['recent_clubs'], 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("lists/list_enhanced.tpl", false, array('from' => $this->recent_clubs, 'columns' => ($this->language['title_and_description'])."|".($this->language['photo'])."| ".($this->language['action']), 'widths' => "|70|100", 'indexes' => "name|photo|action", 'class' => 'blue'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> </div> <?php $this->loadTemplate("divider.tpl", false, array('type' => 'v'), true); ?> <div class="columnSmall"> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple.tpl", false, array('secheader' => $this->language['members_login'], 'class' => 'grey'), true); ?> <?php $this->loadTemplate("forms/login.tpl", false, array('form' => 'login'), true); ?> <div style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;"><?php $this->loadTemplate("dotted.tpl", false, array(), true); ?></div> <div style="text-align:center"><a href="index.php?page=forgot"><?php echo $this->language['forgot_your_password']; ?></a></div> <?php $this->loadTemplate("boxes/simple_close.tpl", false, array(), true); ?> <?php if ($this->banners['3']): ?> <div class="banner-side"><?php build_banner(array('area' => '3')); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.23/1113 - Release Date: 11/6/2007 10:04 AM