Merlin wrote:
Hi there,
I am doing some image cropping of about 40.000 files with php.
To do this I wrote a PHP file that does what I want and I did disable
the timeout so I can call it via webbrowser and fire the script.
There are two down sides I see:
1. One image takes about 0.25 s, so the whole process would take about
3 hours.
2. During that time a spider could come along and find that file and
fire it again.
Is it faster if I would issue this by command line on the linux server?
php filename.php
If your site is running on Apache, you can restrict access to spiders.
It is quite easy to set up with a .htaccess file in your script directory.
Thank you for any help,
With Warm Regards,
Sudheer. S
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