Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
Jim Lucas wrote:
Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
I have a file linked with require into my program with statements like:
I would like to replace this with a mysql table with these two fields
(out of many other fields).
How can I do that?
Well, if you have all the settings in a DB already, then what I would
do is this.
SELECT param_name, param_value FROM yourTable;
while ( list($name, $value) = mysql_fetch_row($results_handler) ) {
define($name, $value);
put this in place of your existing defines and you should be good.
Thanks! Works fine!
I need now a modification for that.
Two values:
SELECT param_name, param_value1, param_value2 FROM yourTable;
IF param_value1 is empty, than it should use param_value2
How can I add this?
Thank you again.
In PHP i would do it like this.
while ( list($name, $value1, $value2) = mysql_fetch_row($results_handler) ) {
define($name, ( empty($value1) ? $value2 : $value ) );
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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