On 1/11/2007, at 5:48, Andrew Peterson wrote:
I'm hoping you guys can help me out.
I'm not sure if you can do this, but i'm trying to create a class
that is build of another class. I also want to be able to do
functions on the class1 from within class2.
class fruitBasket{
private $fuit = array(); //this is a class
mispelt variable? you use $fruit later on.
public function addFruit($newFruit)
$this->fruitBasket[] = $newFruit();
a) you're using the wrong variable.
b) you're calling the function with the name stored in $newFruit.
Maybe you want to use:
$this->fruit[] = new fruit($newFruit);
public makeAllApples()
foreach($this->fruit AS $value)
class fruit{
private $name;
public __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
public changeName($newName)
$this->name = $newName;
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Simon Welsh
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