[snip] [snip] <?php function solution1($var1) { // some code } function solution2($var2) { // some code } function solution3($var3) { // some code } if ($function == 'solution1' or $function == 'solution2' or $function == 'solution3') { $my_solution = $function($var); # this supposed to call one of "solution" functions, right? } ?> [/snip] I don't think you can put a function name in a variable and call it like $function($var). You'd be better of with a case statement in one function and call the proper solution (quick syntax, may need a little fixing; function my_solution($function, $var){ switch $function{ case function1: ...do stuff... break; case function1: etc..... } } [/snip] And call it like this; my_solution('function1', $var); -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php