nope, merge is not doing what I want and also using FEDERATED
engine in mysql I think is not the simplest way to go or even not
Anyhow, I did it an ugly way ( tablearray follows DB queries with the
same fields; one row of a query is e.g.
count=5, server_name="Asterisk" )
Variable dbs is an array with MySQL URIs.
function get_data($dbs, $tablearray, $query) {
$id = 0;
$result = array();
$records = 0;
$db_select = 0;
for ($c = 0; $c < $len; $c++) {
$db =& DB::Connect( $dbs[$db_select] );
if (PEAR::isError($db)) { echo "Can't connect to
DB".$db_select."<br>"; }
else {
$res = $db->query($query, array() );
while( $res->fetchInto( $row ) ) {
$cols = count($row);
if ($db_select > 0) {
for ($i=0; $i < $records; $i++) {
if (in_array($row[1],$result[$i])) {
$result[$i][$tablearray[0]] = $row[0] +
else {
if (!@$entered) {
@$entered = True;
for ($b=0; $b<$cols; $b++) {
$result[$id][$tablearray[$b]] =
@$entered = False;
else {
for ($i=0; $i<$cols; $i++) {
$result[$id][$tablearray[$i]] = $row[$i];
$records = count($result);
return $result;
Philip Thompson wrote:
On 10/16/07, Greg Donald <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Paul Scott wrote:
You could try something like:
$result[] = $arrayDB1;
$result[] .= $arrayDB2;
That .= doesn't do what you think it does when used with arrays.
Take this same concept (of creating a new array) and see if you can use
array_merge. I know you mentioned earlier that it wasn't what you were
looking for... however, maybe the combination will work???
Good luck,
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