Here are php functions that you are looking for... long time ago i found
this, but can't remenber anymore the functions names, but i know that
was possible!!!... so a search google again and give me:
But here the references on php documentation:
Stut escreveu:
Philip Thompson wrote:
If you're not talking about automated screenshots, and you're using
Windows, just press your "PrtScr" button. Hold down Alt as well to get
just the active window. This will put the screenshot on to the
clipboard, so you'll then need to paste it into paint or other such
graphics program (PSP, Photoshop) after which you'll then be able to
save it to a file.
Thanks for the "Alt" tip. I always hated Windoze b/c I couldn't just
part of the screen.... show how little I knew!
Sorry that this had nothing to do with the original post. =/ is also worth a look if you take
screenshots a lot or ever want to share short screencasts.
* Rodolfo De Nadai *
* Analista de Sistema Jr. - Desenvolvimento *
*Informática de Municípios Associados S.A.*
Seu governo mais inteligente
rodolfo.denadai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rodolfo.denadai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - <>
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