On 10/15/07, tedd <tedd@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I understand the class concept. But, I am not familiar with autoload. > > Stut also made mention of that, so I shall investigate post haste. __autoload is pretty tight; but if you dont want to have all your class files in the same directory, i suggest you implement something custom. ive seen several implementations where class names basically have filesystem paths embedded in them; ugh.. i think thats what those buxa project guys are doing, but im not certain. also, the __autoload() function has to be available for it to be called, which means you will have to include the file that defines it in every file that would use it. since my php code is heavily oop; i just use the php.ini auto_prepend_file directive. oh; btw, Tedd, autoload is for classes only; if you like what you see maybe that will be the excuse youve been looking for to get into oop w/ php :) -nathan