Colin Guthrie wrote:
Martin Marques wrote:
SELECT * FROM company WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT companyID FROM contacts);
Not ideal as has been mentioned else where in this thread.
I think one would have to take into account the DB type being used here.
I can have MySQL and PostgreSQL setup and running with the same table structure (well, as close as
you can get) configured with two different databases in them.
FROM company
SELECT companyID
FROM contacts
SQL #2 SELECT company.*
FROM company
LEFT JOIN contacts
ON (
company.companyID = contacts.companyID
WHERE contacts.companyID IS NULL
Now, both SQL statements will perform relatively the same on either DB's with a small data set.
but, if you have a large data set, MySQL will benefit from having the Sub-Query style statement
Where-as PostgreSQL will shine with the JOIN command.
This is only from my own personal testing. Mind you that I have only been using PostgreSQL for a
year or so. But one problem that I have always ran into with MySQL is that when JOIN'ing tables
that have large data sets is a PITA.
So, if I was running MySQL, I would use SQL #1, but if I were using PostgreSQL, I would use SQL #2
If anybody else has suggestions or comments about performance between MySQL vs. PostgreSQL with
regards to similarly formed SQL calls, I would like to hear their experiences.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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