On Sep 28, 2007, at 11:34 AM, tedd wrote:
At 2:01 PM -0500 9/27/07, Edward Vermillion wrote:
So back to my original question, what breaks if you're *expecting*
UTF-8 and you don't *get* UTF-8?
Isn't UTF-8 the big fish here?
Sure there' UTF-16 and larger, but everything else is a subset of
UTF-8, is it not?
So, what's the problem if you get a character defined by ISO --
it's still within the UTF-8 super-group, right?
The only problem I see here is IF the user has the char set to
display the glyph correctly -- OR am I off on something else that
you guys aren't even discussing?
Probably very relevant to the original question, but...
My question was more mental prodding than anything else. The OP had a
function to convert incoming text into UTF-8 before they did anything
with it. A couple of folks said that was unnecessary, if you set your
form to UTF-8 your incoming data will be in UTF-8 already.
I was just trying to make the point that if you expect your incoming
data to be in a certain state in your code you should make sure that
it is in that state before you act on it, since you can't guarantee
it's source. Checking to make sure the incoming data is in it's
expected state is not a waste of time (or unnecessary, or whatever
term of derision they picked) but is actually good coding practice.
I pretty much gave up on the thread when I got the reply along the
lines of "if it breaks something it's their problem, not mine".
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