Kevin Murphy wrote:
I've got a site (password protected, sorry) where I have this in the top
of my template:
$iSessionId = session_id();
$iSessionName = session_name();
Then I have a bunch of links like this in the site:
echo "<a href=\"/departments/\">Departments</a>";
The first time, and only the first time you load the page, that link is
transformed in the HTML output to be this:
But if I reload the page, or go to any other page, I will get this:
<a href="/departments/">Departments</a>
which is what I want. Obviously I could do something where if it detects
the PHPSESSID in the URL, it forces the page to reload, but I was
thinking that there would be another way to do this without adding
another page load into the mix. Is there?
These are caused by the php.ini setting session.use_trans_sid being on.
This setting allows sessions to work when cookies are disabled.
I'm not sure why you have such a problem with it. Why is it important
that the URL does not contain the session ID?
Anyway, the way to "fix" it is to disable that php.ini setting.
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