brian wrote:
Richard Kurth wrote:
$Campaign_array| = array('0','1','3','5','8','15','25');|
I know that I can find the next recored in a array using next. What I
do not understand is if I know the last number was say 5 how do I
tell the script that that is the current number so I can select the
next record
I think you'll need your own function for this. Pass in the array and
loop through it until you find the key, increment that, ensure that
there is another value with that key, and return the key (or the value).
function nextInArray($arr, $val)
$next_key = NULL;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr);$i++)
if ($arr[$i] == $val)
$next_key = ++$i;
// return the key:
return (array_key_exists($next_key) ? $next_key : NULL);
// or the value:
return (array_key_exists($next_key) ? $arr[$next_key] : NULL);
However, in your example, you're searching for the key that points to
the value '5'. What if the value '5' occurs more than once?
In my script the value of 5 will not reoccur the numbers are number of
days from 0 up to 30 days.
Thanks for the function
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