> *The question: "How would you have multiple text input forms (on > shopping cart page) with different inputted data (product quantities) > submitted for querying the database (for changing the quantity of > multiple products in the shopping cart at the same time)?**"* easy, you can cause multiple text fields on the form with php compatible array names. Say you have a list of line items from your cart table and the record ids (artificial keys of the cart table could be used in the index). Here is a sample couple of text fields; <input type="text" name="quantity[5]" value="1"> <input type="text" name="quantity[14]" value="3"> <input type="text" name="quantity[8]" value="1"> the number 5, 14, and 8 represent the keys of the rows from your cart table and when you pull the value from the post array after the user submits the form, of course in addition to the quantities you should show things like product descriptions and such on the same line as the quantity text box. $qtyupdates = $_POST["quantity"]; $qtyupdates above becomes an array with 3 rows in it and the recordd ids are stored in the index. A simple foreach loop Foreach($qtyupdates as $idx => $qty) { $query = "update cart_table set itemqty = ".$qty ." where cart_lineid = ".$idx; mysql_query.... you get the rest } your form now becomes a list of line items with quantities in text boxes for each item, and a single submit button allows you to apply all changes at once. Hope this is clear enough, Warren Vail Vail Systems Technology http://www.vailtech.net -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php