Per Jessen wrote:
Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
No, basically I just use wordpress on this site and that's all. No
fancy or advanced scripting, etc. It is family machine for family
issues. I can try and go back to v4 but I do think v5 should work just
as fine. At least I hope so.
Hi Zbigniew
Maybe it's worth doing some googling for wordpress and php5? If it's
not your code, it's not easy to debug. I have seen the apache core
dump many times, sometimes caused by obvious errors, other times by
something obscure and difficult to find.
Come on guys, use your heads. PHP is segfaulting when trying to display
its version number - that's not going to have anything to do with Wordpress.
To the OP: This probably means you've got a rogue extension in the mix.
Edit /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini and put a # in front of every
line. Try php -v again. If it works then you need to uncomment (remove
the #) each line in that file one by one checking php -v each time until
you find the one that's a problem.
If it's an extension you need I suggest you uninstall and rebuild it. If
not then just leave it commented and move on to the next.
If php -v still segfaults with all the extensions disabled then you need
to uninstall PHP and all the extensions completely and start again
because something obviously went wrong when you built them.
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