Are you sure that Apache is running and accepting connections to /
~michwill? Does a regular HTML page show up ok?
Yeah, static pages, and regular php pages load fine. It's only when
I bring MySQL into the mix that things go awry.
Have you checked the server error log?
If by "server" you mean Apache or PHP specifically, then yes. There
is nothing telling there.
What does your script look like where it connects? Does it simply
die() without a message? Try creating a test script with header
('Content-type: text/plain') at the top. Then print out messages
after each step. (beginning of script, opening a DB connection, etc.)
It literally dies with what I posted:
Safari can’t open the page “http://localhost/~michwill/mysqltest.php”;
because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection, which
sometimes occurs when the server is busy. You might be able to open
the page later.
Oddly enough, when I use MAMP, instead of the source install, this
doesn't occur.
How are you accessing the database?
I've stripped the PHP script to simply read as follows:
header('Content-type: text/plain');
echo "Beginning PHP Script!";
$connection_error = "We apologize for the inconvenience,
but it appears that our database server is down.<br>";
$connection_error .= "Please try again later.";
$host = "localhost";
$user = "michael";
$db_pass = "michael";
$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$db_pass) or die
($connection_error . mysql_error());
. . .the error is no different, and it doesn't output anything that
is "echo"ed. I've ensured that all permissions are in place with the
MySQL database as well. I can manually log in just fine. I'm at a