Well what do you mean by "best"? Best at keeping spammers away, ease of
use(playing sound for handicapped people), fastest?
If you want to keep spammers away you could go with some super complicated
script that distorts letters so much that it's really hard. This keeps away
not only spambots but also your users :'(. If you go for ease of use then
it's probably a popular script and people already have bots that look for
sites using those particular scripts and have other bots which can crack the
In my opinion the best of both worlds can be done by making it yourslef...
yes form scratch. If there's a one of a kind script nobody has seen it
before and they probably dont' have programs to crack it. Plus it's really
easy for users to use since it can be made simple. Plus then you have
control over the source.
- Dan
""Tony Di Croce"" <dicroce@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
I need a CAPTCHA script.... Which one is the best? (I dont mind if its
somewhat difficult).
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