I tested this functionality. This is working fine. foo.php <? function foo( $var ){ include $var.'.php'; return $var(); }; foo("somefunction"); ?> somefunction.php <? function somefunction(){ echo "hello"; } ?> Out put is hello. You make sure that your both files are in same folder and make sure that $var.'.php' is exist with $var function. Warm Regards, Sanjeev http://www.sanchanworld.com/ http://webdirectory.sanchanworld.com - Submit your website URL http://webhosting.sanchanworld.com - Choose your best web hosting plan -----Original Message----- From: Robert Keizer [mailto:nuclearsanta@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:16 AM To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Calling functions which names are inside a variable I am currently working on a module testing class, I can't seem to find the correct syntax. Here is an example of the problem: function foo( $var ){ include $var.'.php'; return $var(); // <!------- problem }; foo("somefunction"); In other words I am looking for a way to call a function by the value of a variable. I get a Call to undefined method error, any help would be great.. -- nuclearsanta@xxxxxxxxx -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php