Read them all into an array and do an array-unique on it bastien> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 23:54:40 -0300> From: celoserpa@xxxxxxxxx> To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: SQL Distinct-like behaviour> > How could I iterate over the files in a directory and build a list of unique> filenames? Take the following filelist:> > file1_01.jpg> file2_01.jpg> file2_02.jpg> file2_03.jpg> file3_01.jpg> file3_02.jpg> file3_03.jpg> file4_01.jpg> file4_02.jpg> file4_03.jpg> > I would like to build an array like this: $names => ("file1","file2","file3","file4")> > How could I do that ?> > Thanks in advance. _________________________________________________________________ Discover the new Windows Vista