I'm pretty sure
if(!empty($result_deferred_comments)) {
does something else than you think it does.
$result_deferred_comments = mssql_query($deferred_comments) or
if it fetches any rows it will return a RESOURCE (yes, a resource which
is NEVER empty()), if it has 0 rows, it will return TRUE(yes! Again
non-empty), if it errors, it will return false (yes, empty).
Instead, use
if(false !== $result_deferred_comments && true !==
Dan Shirah wrote:
From my understanding, if $result_deferred_comments is empty, than none of
the code below the if should be executed, correct?
The actualy rows/columns that would contain the data do not appear, but I am
still seeing the "DEFERRED PAYMENT REQUEST COMMENTS" table. Is the only way
to block out EVERYTHING from being displayed if $result_deferred_comments is
empty to use " " around all of the HTML and not exit out of the PHP tags?
Or am I doing something else wrong?
Or, is it a problem with (!empty())? Since the value is an array, will it
never be parsed as empty even if there is no data retrieved?
Below is my code:
$credit_card_id = $_GET['credit_card_id'];
$deferred_comments= "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE credit_card_id =
'$credit_card_id' AND request_type = 'D'";
$result_deferred_comments = mssql_query($deferred_comments) or
if(!empty($result_deferred_comments)) {
<table width="700" border="1" align="center">
<td bgcolor="#FF9900">
<div align="center"><strong>DEFERRED PAYMENT REQUEST
<table width="700" border="0" align="center">
while ($row_deferred_comments =
mssql_fetch_array($result_deferred_comments)) {
$id_deferred_comment = $row_deferred_comments['request_id'];
$dateTime_deferred = $row_deferred_comments['comment_date'];
$deferred_comments = $row_deferred_comments['comments'];
$deferred_wrap_comments = wordwrap($deferred_comments, 60, "<br />\n");
<td width='108' height='13' align='center' bgcolor="#FFD9C6"
<div align='center'><?php echo "$id_deferred_comment" ?></div></td>
<td width='148' height='13' align='center' bgcolor="#FFD9C6"
<div align='center'><?php echo "$dateTime_deferred" ?></div></td>
<td width='444' height='13' align='center' bgcolor="#FFD9C6"
<div align='left'><?php echo $deferred_wrap_comments; ?></div></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
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