Dear my friends, This is the first time for me to use OOP concept of PHP. I wrote still a very simple codes but it doesn't work as my manual book taught. the book titled "MySQL/PHP Database Application" by Jay Greenspan say these lines should work but in fact it don't work as expected. Here is my code: =============================== //pelangganbaru.php <?php require "koneksi.php"; $sqlnya="select country from countries"; $klas=new koneksi($sqlnya); ?> =============================== //koneksi.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 2006), see"> </HEAD> <BODY> <?php class koneksi{ $namakompie=""; $un="root"; $pw="mysqlpw"; $sqlnya; $kueri; function koneksi($sqlnya){ echo "superclass koneksi dipanggil<br>"; $konek=mysql_connect("$namakompie","$un","$pw"); if ($konek){ echo "koneksi berhasil (connection succeeded)<br>"; $mybd=mysql_select_db("survey",$konek); $kueri=mysql_query($sqlnya,$konek); }else{ echo "I can't talk to the server<br>"; exit(); } return $kueri; } } ?> </BODY> </HTML> ===== Theoritically if Class "koneksi" is being initialized than it prints "koneksi berhasil (connection succeeded)" but it doesn't. Please tell me what is my mistake. Thank you very much in advance. -- Patrik Hasibuan <patrikh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Junior Programmer -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: