Michelle Konzack wrote:
Sorry for the late fdrop in...
Am 2007-07-28 21:31:01, schrieb Børge Holen:
On Thursday 14 June 2007 00:41, Philip Thompson wrote:
On Jun 13, 2007, at 1:15 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
On Wed, June 13, 2007 12:21 am, Crayon Shin Chan wrote:
Do students and interns still have quotas on their email accounts?...
Yes. It does depend on the university though. For our students, the
default is only 50 megs - they may request more. However, these text-
only emails don't really take up that much space.
WOW, thats hard...
I have an account at the University in Freiburg/Germany and we
have 1 GByte of storage sonce diskspace cost nearly nothing...
(Even if there are over 100.000 Students)
There seems to be some failure to comunicate (I believe the Prodigy said
that)... whatever, quotas on the universities will not keep you from
recieving mail... or download anything of the net. It just defines the space
available to the user. The temporary space available lets you pull way more,
and get a delete warning from either an automated system or an admin (at my
university, wasn't it 10 days or so before forced deletion on random objects
occured?... dunno).
Random objects or objects older then a a certain age?
I do not believem that a Sysadmin would delete Random objects...
Imagine an master or phD degree getting lost because someone set up an
university server with some weird download quota.
Such things could be quiet expensive...
This could hardly be _A_ reason for makin' this blog... the amount of mail or
numbers should not be an issue. If it is so... how about them digest mails?
...and I realy ca not believe, that an University seup a quota of 50
The Radboud University in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) has a 100MiB quota
till a few months ago, it has been changed to 1.5GiB now I think. It's
actualy not that strange, it depends on how active the university thinks
its students are on the internet and what an average student requires.
In this case, I'm part of the Medical Sciences Faculty, there's not that
much use for a ton of webspace. While on the Faculty for Mathematics and
Informatics the students receive 2GiB of extra storage space at the
start of their first year (it has since been changed to 1.5GiB across
all faculties though)
I know many students which create montly folders and then they tar it
up at the end of the month.
For example I have the whole list fro, 2002 to 2007 as local mailarchive
and the smalest bzip2 tarball is from 2003-11 (308kByte) and the biggest
2007-04 (1538 kByte) and deco,pressed nearly 6 times bigger MAILDIR.
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
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