Jochem Maas wrote:
another solution for the OP might be (although I think it goes against all design principles): class A { function foo() { echo "achoo\n"; } } class B extends A { function foo() { echo "cough\n"; } function __call($meth, $args) { $func = array(parent, strtolower(str_replace("parent","", $meth))); if (is_callable($func)) return call_user_func_array($func, $args); } } $b = new B; $b->foo(); $b->parentFoo();
Barring the s/parent/get_parent_class/ the idea is really really cute, thanks. Beautiful. Heck, maybe I'll even hack the code to do it like that... after some grace period.
P.S.: I thought calling array('classname', 'method') only worked for static methods? It turns out there's an implied $this being passed around?
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