admin wrote:
Colin Guthrie wrote:
admin wrote:
Inside the body of method foo() you can of course use syntax like
parent::foo(). But is there a way to call the parent version of
obj->foo() outside the class? That kind of syntax is allowed in C++, for
example: Aclass a; if (a.Aparent::foo()) ...;
I agree with Jochem that if you find you need to do this, then you're
probably not designing the code correctly.
OK, here we go: Propel in Symfony uses generated model classes
representing DB rows, stub classes inheriting from them ready to be used
(such as below), and accessors representing data columns:
class Foo extends BaseFoo
public function setBar($value)
$this->doSetColumn(FooPeer::BAR, $value, __FUNCTION__);
public function setBaz($value)
$this->doSetColumn(FooPeer::BAZ, $value, __FUNCTION__);
public function setXyzzy($value)
$this->doSetColumn(FooPeer::XYZZY, $value, __FUNCTION__);
// several more of these, and finally...
private function doSetColumn($colname, $value, $col_mutator)
/* setter does what it has to do and calls the parent
* version of self to do the real work of modifying
* state
// ...
if ($something)
What are you wanting to test for?
does this setup the next call to $col_mutator() ? when you pass the value?
// ...
There are several models (tables) such as Foo, and they all have the
same body of doSetColumn(), so a logical next step was to factor that
method away _and_ leave most of the code intact, in which I've failed.
Once again, calling the parent version of a method "externally" is
allowed in C++ (and whoever said it was bad design should speak up to
Bjarne Stroustrup ;-)) Any such trick in PHP?
This is a little different then what you are trying above, but maybe it is close to what you are
looking for:
class FooPeer {
function BAR() {
return 'BAR';
function BAZ() {
return 'BAZ';
function XYZZY() {
return 'XYZZY';
class BaseFoo {
function setBar($value) {
echo "BaseFoo::setBar({$value});\n";
function setBaz($value) {
echo "BaseFoo::setBaz({$value});\n";
function setXyzzy($value) {
echo "BaseFoo::setXyzzy({$value});\n";
class Foo extends BaseFoo {
function setBar($value) {
$this->doSetColumn(FooPeer::BAR(), $value, __FUNCTION__);
function setBaz($value) {
$this->doSetColumn(FooPeer::BAZ(), $value, __FUNCTION__);
function setXyzzy($value) {
$this->doSetColumn(FooPeer::XYZZY(), $value, __FUNCTION__);
function doSetColumn($colname, $value, $col_mutator) {
$Foo = new Foo();
echo "<pre>";
$Foo->setBar('my value for bar');
$Foo->setBaz('my value for baz');
$Foo->setXyzzy('my value for xyzzy');
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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