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Lee PHP wrote:
Yup, that was it - thanks! Coming from a Java OO background, I find it
frustrating that PHP doesn't warn me about stuff like that. Oh well, I
guess I'll know next time.
End the frustration, turn notices on. This reminds me of a saying about
workmen and their tools.
On 6/29/07, Stut <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Lee PHP wrote:
> I have a class that extends msyqli that AFAIK can connect to the
> database, but gives me an error when I try and query it. Here's my
> class:
> require_once('Configuration.php');
> require_once('RSFSException.php');
> class Database extends mysqli {
> private $strUrl = "DEV";
> private $strUser;
> private $strPass;
> private $strHost;
> private $intPort;
> private $strName;
> private static $INSTANCE;
> private static $CONFIG;
> private function __construct() {
> $this->CONFIG = Configuration::getInstance();
> $this->establishConnectionSettings();
> $this->connect($this->getHost(), $this->getUser(),
> $this->getPass(), $this->getName);
I'm assuming $this->getName should have () on the end.
This is probably why it's failing. It's connecting ok, but not selecting
a database.
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