brian wrote:
Greg Beaver wrote:
brian wrote:
PHP 5.1.4 on Fedora 2
I recieved a note from a client about a problem with their site today.
Looking at the error log, i found that the DB connection script that's
included into any other that needs it was throwing an error because
MDB2.php couldn't be found:
Failed opening required 'MDB2.php'
What's *really* weird is that the paths listed there are
ancient--everything is in /usr/share/pear now, and the zijn2 one had
been added--then removed--when i was troubleshooting something (it seems
like a couple of years ago).
Do a grep for "set_include_path" in your client's code - I suspect
you'll find it.
Nope. I wrote the app and i have no need for set_include_path, in any
case, as i control the server. I did also doublecheck the vhost conf but
there's nothing there. This is the thing: it's *my* code and i can't
think of anything that would cause this.
I've also ensured that there's only one php.ini on the server. Apache
has been restarted several times since that old include path existed.
This is why i was talking about the box being rebooted, as well. I'm
trying to cover everything but i'm flummoxed.
FWIW, i've also carefully gone over the site and everything seems to be
in order. The error was triggered when some script included a DB
connection script (that has "require_once 'MDB2.php';") but,
unfortunately, the error msg doesn't specify which it was.
I guess i'll have to wait until tuesday to get more info from the client.
you could always cross reference the time stamp in the error log to the access log and see what matches.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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