On Jun 19, 2007, at 4:20 PM, Jim Lucas wrote:
Jason Pruim wrote:
Okay, so I have a question... Probably pretty easy, but why would
my if statement show more records then what are in the database?
if($row[5] =='Level4'){ // White Highlight
echo "<TR><TD bgcolor=".$Level4.">$row[0] </td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=".$Level4.">$row[1] </td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=".$Level4."><A href ='$row
echo "<TD bgcolor=".$Level4."><A href='update.php?
taskid=$row[0]'>Click here!</A>";
}// End of Level 4
{// Green Highlight
echo "<TR><TD bgcolor=".$unclassified.">$row[0] </td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=".$unclassified.">$row[1] </td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=".$unclassified."><A href ='$row
echo "<TD bgcolor=".$unclassified."><A
href='update.php?taskid=$row[0]'>Click here!</A>";
}// End of Unclassified
Why not do it this way instead.
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($results) ) {
$rowColor = $unclassified;
// White Highlight
if($row[5] =='Level4'){
$rowColor = $Level4;
echo "<TR><TD bgcolor=".$rowColor.">$row[0] </td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=".$rowColor.">$row[1] </td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=".$rowColor."><A href='$row[2]'>Instructions</
echo "<TD bgcolor=".$rowColor."><A href='update.php?taskid=$row
[0]'>Click here!</A>";
And that just goes to show how much I have yet to learn! Once I typed
that out I went from like, 86 lines of code down to 55... And it
works as well!
Just for my own knowledge, Do you know why the else was being applied
after the condition was met?
Thanks Jim!
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