Ross wrote:
Thanks Stut we are getting somewhere.
Removing the header gives the full binary output of the file in IE and FF. I
also removes the echos and have the resized image showing in the browser. So
far so good. I know it works.
Now back to sending the URL.
I have this
echo "<img src=\"common/display_image.php?img_url='$img_url'\" width=\"200\"
height=\"100\" />";
and on the display image page I have:
$img_url= $_GET['img_url'];
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($img_url);
if ($image === false) { exit; }
/// rest of the resize code goes here.....
This still does not work but if I plug the url in manually at the top of
display_image.php it works, this suggests it is not being sent properly.
OK, your problem here is the single quotes in the img src around $img_url.
However, I question what you are actually doing. Is the image on the
same machine as this script? If so you should be using a filename not
the URL. Also, are you sure you're really saving anything by resizing
the image on your server like this? You should consider generating the
smaller version using a cron job and linking to it directly. Resizing
images on the fly is one of the quickest ways to destroy the scalability
of a website.
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