<?php $filelinks=t3lib_div::_POST('file_name'); // the posting of the file name $exttypes = "php3,php,exe"; // list of extensions that shouldnt be used $fileextension = substr($filelinks,0,strpos($filelinks,".")); //get the extension after the . if ($fileextension == $exttypes['php']['php3']['exe']) { //if the file extension equals php, php3, or exe echo "mime type doesn't work"; //if the extension is php, php3, exe, than echo doesn't work } if ($fileextension != $extypes['php']['php3']['exe']) { //if the file extension doesn't equal php, php3, or exe than // store the file $filelinks = $this->storeFile(); } ?> I'm not a programmer, and I'm very new at php so im sure there are errors and stupid logic in my code. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone here could critique and rip apart my code. thank you, -dave