Re: Re: File Upload - post_max_size and upload_max_filesize in GBs

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Richard Lynch wrote:
On Fri, June 8, 2007 4:03 pm, Jim Lucas wrote:
afaik, you are using the stock php.ini setting while you are
This should not be taken to mean that if one changes php.ini, that the
change does not affect file upload -- it definitely does matter...

Not sure Jim meant that Sukhwinder was using stock php.ini, or
everybody, but it's definitely not the case that everybody is, like it
or not -- If that were true, upload_max_filesize would be meaningless.

You CANNOT change the file upload time out with set_time_limit,
however, because the file upload happens BEFORE your PHP script begins

The time limits affecting file upload can only be set:
  a. in http.conf, for various Apache settings, if any (off-topic)
  b. in php.ini or .htaccess
     b1. you'll need to crank up max_input_time, I think
     b2. max_execution_time for sure
     b3. memory_limit while you are at it, probably

You of course have to crank up upload_max_filesise to way beyond what
you expect for an uploaded file.

Don't forget about other php.ini limiters.

These are all that I think one would have to adjust to make things work.


Granted, you need to take into account limitations outside of php. ie...

available hard drive space
any possible hard disk quota limit
single file size limit of the OS
file size limit of Apache ( mentioned by another replier )
	Apache < 2.x is less than 2g
	Apache 2.x is greater than 2g

And there might be more that I am not aware of...

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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