I have error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors is set to On. And no errors are displayed My code run through as it should...passes my include statement...displays part of the form, but when it gets to a dropdown box that is populated by the database (Which the connection is set in the include) it returns an empty drop down and none of the rest of my form is displayed. On 6/6/07, Jim Lucas <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dan Shirah wrote: > Okay, I'm stumped!!! > > I have all of my database connection info in a file: connection.php > This info is stored in a folder: Connections > Example of connection.php: > <?php > $connection = mssql_pconnect('SERVER','user','password') or die ('server > connection failed'); > $database = mssql_select_db("my_database", $connection) or die ('DB > selection failed'); > ?> > > I am trying to include the connection.php file in all of my pages so I > don't > have to hard code the info into every page. > But, my data never returns because the include apparently is not working. > If I remove the include and hard code the info, it works. > > Here is an example of the include statement I am using on my pages. > > <?php include '../../Connections/connection.php'; ?> > > The Connections folder is two level above my form page. Example file > structure below. > > ROOT > Connections > connection.php > Submit > Current_Forms > My_Form.php > > I've tried ../../../Connections/connection.php, > ../../Connections/connection.php, ../Connections/connection.php but nothing > works. > > Any ideas what I am doing wrong??? > Set your error_reporting to E_ALL. and set display_errors to On Then you should be able to see all the errors. Because, without the error messages, we are not going to be able to help you. Might I recommend to use include_once instead. This way, it will only create one connection -- Jim Lucas "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V by William Shakespeare