I'm looking for recommendations on literature which will give me ideas on best practices for design and implementation of web applications, with if possible, PHP as its core reference language. Syntax has never been the challenge for me, like for most, it's always been the most practical and intelligent way to break up an application and focus on how to putting it all together for reusability and maintaining the application. Anyhow, suggestions are appreciated.
Check out www.opensourcecms.org and look for the type of app you need for suggestions of different prebuilt php projects. http://www.opensourcecms.com/ I like the Harry Fuecks books on sitepoint, as well as the O'Reilly books. Professional PHP5 from Wrox is pretty good, too. For a general framework-style, I like seagull: http://www.seagullproject.org If you're going to be doing object-oriented programming techniques, keep in mind PHP is quite a bit different from other languages (such as C#) in the way it implements some details of objects, and that PHP4 and PHP5 are quite significantly different versions, vis-a-vis objects and classes. Good luck! -- Jared Farrish Intermediate Web Developer Denton, Tx Abraham Maslow: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." $$