Also, when I get PHP errors, if not obvious, I check the previous line also... If says something like "error on line 7" I will look at both line six and seven.
I used the notepad-error-of-death method: 1. Use only notepad for php scripting (or some BASIC text editor, with exactly ONE undo). 2. Author horrid script without thinking. 3. Upload and cringe on blank white screen effect of ill-advised code manipulation. 4. Figure out how to change code by slowing down and using Notepad's undo (remember, ONE undo, and then you undo the undo) to make less-stupid mistakes or omissions. Pretty impractical for professional programming, but sure helped me out. At least I make deliberately bad decisions now, instead of wholly ignorant ones. At least not a whole string of them at one time.
Of course, depends on error message. Yadda yadda... I still feel like a dork for saying comma.
Well, I got a chuckle. :D -- Jared Farrish Intermediate Web Developer Denton, Tx Abraham Maslow: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." $$